We help start-ups with three major points in regard to their potential investors:

  1.     Make sure you know your investor and talking their language
  2.     Help you being presentable
  3.     Help you do all your homework before you set foot in pitch presentation session

All those mean a descent amount of time in data gathering, networking and initial negotiations, which usually start-ups team don’t have or never have thought it through. The important thing for start-up teams to remember is start-up financing is high risk, and only about 5% of companies that seek angel investments are successful. The rate for VCs are even lower. So, the competition is tough and everyone use any help they can seek to make that happen.


Every pitch is an opportunity to introduce your ideas, team, goals and ask investors to be part of your dream. Like it or not, finding the right investor is long, long way with uncountable obstacles. So, it seems so obvious that one way to increase our chance to meet the right investor is to go into the numbers game. The more we apply for different investors, the higher the chance of finding one. We wouldn’t leave you alone in this. We help you to apply for as many as you can and we will guide you through.


Startups Valuation is not like any mature business valuation. First of all, startups usually have the element of instability. They’re young, their business idea has not even been out or tested in very early stages so they don’t have a proper product, revenue or profit. Hence, it’s very difficult to place a valuation on the company. Although, there are some methods to help investors to have an idea of a startup value, it’s safe to say while there's no concrete evidence of a startup valuation, there is evidence that you, as a founder will do everything you can to make the business work and that counts.


When your finalized your pitch deck, applied and accepted by some investors, it’s time to work on your presentation skills and make sure you’re more than ready to concur everyone by your charm and of course your start-up story. There are couple of rounds, so that means you’re doing it every session again and again, aligning to the tone of your audience. We will help you get ready for that when we train and couch the start-up team for those sessions. That’s right, we have your back! When your finalized your pitch deck, applied and accepted by some investors, it’s time to work on your presentation skills and make sure you’re more than ready to concur everyone by your charm and of course your start-up story. There are couple of rounds, so that means you’re doing it every session again and again, aligning to the tone of your audience. We will help you get ready for that when we train and couch the start-up team for those sessions. That’s right, we have your back!